Level Eater 14 image with date: February 3rd, 2024

Level Eater 14: Tickets and More

be heroic. fight evil. play D&D.

Date: Saturday, February 3rd, 2024

Time: Doors at 6pm, game starts at 7pm sharp and runs until 11:30pm

Place: The Co-Prosperity Sphere, 3219-21 S Morgan Street, Chicago, IL

It all happens following the 2024 Demo Expo that afternoon—our FREE spotlight on Chicago-area game designers, hosts, and vendors. Join us at the C0-Pro that afternoon to discover new favorite games!

Our event raises funds for the Public Media Institute. Our adventurers don’t just battle evil in play—they contribute to a more wondrous world.

The city of Portsbridge is about to move.

The wisest wizards and druids in the land toil to build an amazing engine that can magically move the city toward home.

Brave adventurers roam the land, prepare the city, and gather vital supplies for the voyage.

We have caught mere glimpses of two worlds our city might travel to next.

Through magic, courage, and cunning, your quest is to learn more of these worlds—and choose one.

Our destination depends on you.


Space and tickets are limited. Each table seats a maximum of five (5) players, hosted by a wonderful Level Eater game moderator (GM).

Table A Ticket

Table A


Admission, a character to play, quest menu, and inspiration card.

Table B Ticket

Table B


Admission, a character to play, quest menu, and inspiration card.

Table C Ticket

Table C


Admission, a character to play, quest menu, and inspiration card.

Table D Ticket

Table D


Admission, a character to play, quest menu, and inspiration card.

Table E Ticket

Table E


Admission, a character to play, quest menu, and inspiration card.

Table 4 Ticket Graphic

Table F


Admission, a character to play, quest menu, and inspiration card.

Table G Ticket Graphic

Table G


Admission, a character to play, quest menu, and inspiration card.

Community Contribution

Community Contribution


This helps us sponsor new players and keep PMI healthy all year long. Thank you!

VIP Tables


When you book a VIP table, you get:

Admission, a character to play, quest menu, and inspiration card for each of the five seats at your table. You’re booking the whole table, so bring your adventuring party with you.

One (1) copy of the Level Eater Box Set (2024).

Three (3) magic items that we choose for you from the Magic Market.

Bonus beverages and snacks.

Sample of the black-and-white knit scarf with Level Eater designs.

Knit Scarf


A new garment! We designed this scarf to harness Level Eater motifs and hint at clues about our new adventure saga.

Available for pickup at the event or shipped only within the USA.

Covers of three zines included in the Level Eater box set

New Box Set!


Featuring folded maps, three new zines totaling more than 120 pages,  fancy versions of our inspiration cards, and so many random tables. These pages bring you playable lore, teach GM techniques, offer house rules, deliver solo-play thrills, and more!

Available for shipping only within the USA.

Want to attend Level Eater for Free?

Times are tough. We want to make it easier for new players to join us and discover the thrills of roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons. With help from Community Contributions, like those above, we’re setting out to sponsor some adventurers to join us at Level Eater 14. Fill out the form at the link below to be considered for a spot—and thanks to everyone for helping out.



Do I need to bring a group?

You do not. Individual players are welcome! This is a great time to meet other game players and discover our style of play.

How many people can play?

Each table seats five players, plus your host, who teaches the rules and guides the game during play. Our hosts are experienced game moderators (GMs), eager to make sure every player has a great experience.

How do I learn to play?

We can teach you! Bring your imagination. A roleplaying game is like a creative conversation, with game rules to provide suspense and resolve vital questions about what happens to the characters we play. You don’t have to know much in advance — play to find out what happens!

Food and drink?

We offer a variety of beverages and snacks for sale at the event but it is a good idea to eat before arriving at the event. Marz Brewing sponsors our main event, offering a variety of adult and non-alcoholic beverages on site. Bring cash for snacks and drinks!

How long is the adventure?

We start the game promptly at 7pm and play until 11pm sharp. After that, there are closing ceremonies for prizes as we determine and reveal the outcome of the event-wide adventure as a whole!

Can we play online?

We’re working on details for online sessions after the main event, this time, instead of before. Look for news soon, and thanks for asking!

We Provide Characters. You Play.

Our ready-made characters suit our unique events, so you can get playing quickly. Art here by Ivan Lee.

Crane the Cleric
Wendsor the Bard
Crane the Cleric
Mercutio the Rogue
Memna the Wizard